
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jills Open Workshop

On March 30, the Buffalo Jills held the first part of the tryout process for the 2008 squad at Carol Joy's Fusion Dance Studio in Buffalo. On hand were about 115 hopefuls looking to make the squad, both as dancers and as ambassadors. Also on hand was Lydia from the CW23, who will be filming parts of the tryout process over the course of tryouts.
In past seasons, only the captains were chosen prior to tryouts. This year, the co-captains were also selected, which helped keep things running smoothly at the workshop. To the tune of a remix of Break The Ice by Britney Spears, choreographer Kelli Wagner demonstrated a new sexy routine to the hopefuls with the assistance of Omarlla, Eileen, Nicole, and Christina. Meanwhile, Jills director Stephanie Mateczun went over what was expected of everyone trying out with the assistance of Jills Alumnae President Lori Marino as well as Jamie, Katie K, Kelly, and Danielle.
The sad part of this time of year is the realization that some Jills won't be returning. Already, we've reported that longtime captain Aimee is leaving the squad but there were others who left as well. Thankfully, Autumn, Natale, and Kaitlin B were at on hand to help with the workshop today. But beyond them, it appears the following Jills may be moving on as well: Amanda P; Emily; Jessica D; Jessica Z; Joy; Kaitlin V; Laura; Melissa; Rachael; and Stefanie J did not make the workshop today and, unless they make the optional workshop on Thursday with approval from Stephanie, we won't be seeing those beautiful faces on the sidelines this fall. While it's sad to see familiar faces go, we must keep in mind that if not for familiar faces leaving in the past, we might never have gotten to meet see these ones in the first place. And we had 18 new faces last season in total.
The positive, though...a number of vets are not only trying out, but bringing along some beautiful friends to try out as well. It seemed like about 1/3 of the vets that were trying out had a friend with them today. Also, we may get a returning face as well. While her reason for being there was primarily to bring one of her dance students to tryouts, 2004-2005 veteran Elizabeth learned the routine as well and who knows, maybe we'll see her bright smile back on the sidelines this fall if she decides to actually try out.
Regarding pictures and videos from the workshop, there were some camera difficulties that are preventing me from accessing them at the present time but hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) they aren't completely lost and after some technical support, they may be recovered. Stay tuned on that.
Update: Laura is still hoping to make it to auditions as the Jills archery master was out of town during the workshop.
Also, thanks to Sony Customer Support for a program that recovered our pics and videos which you can check out at and

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