
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

A special shout-out to the ladies who've cheered on the Bills or the Bandettes who've also served the United States in the Armed Forces.

2000-01 Jills Swimsuit Calendar Covergirl Marisa spent the 2000 and 2003 season on the Jills as well as a few years with the NY Air National Guard

Bandettes coach Erin J, pictured here with a pair of her Bandettes last season, spent 1998-2002 with the Jills before moving on to coach the Bandettes. Prior to that, she served in the US Army in Operation: Desert Storm.

Recently retired Jills Ambassador Squad captain Kelly spent 2002-08 with the Jills and was an award-winning recruiter in the US Air Force as well during her 9 1/2 year stint.

Jessica spent 2003-07 on active duty in the US Navy and while she's still in the Individual Ready Reserves until next year, she's getting set to dance with the Bandettes for her 3rd season.

These are just the young ladies I know about...I'm sure there are many more and if you'd like them to be included, just drop a line with her name and some info about her as well as, if possible, a photo of her in action as a Jill, Bandette, or Bombshell to and we'll make sure to give her proper recognition

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