
Friday, February 5, 2010

Buffalo Jill of The Week Caity

This week, we take a look at rookie dancer Caity as our Jill of The Week. This Rochester native was found dancing on Eileen's line next to Stefanie this season and actually caught our eyes at 1st cuts when she and her friend Riley came in matching outfits. While that's not exactly new as 7 pairs of vets did the same thing this year, it is notable that two aspiring rookies did it. Unfortunately, unlike the vets, Riley and Caity weren't able to reserve their numbers and ended up dancing separately which didn't hurt their chances as they both made the final squad. Riley left the squad early during the summer while Caity stuck it out and was one of only 2 rookies, along with Joya, on Eileen's vet-heavy line. Some Jills, once they leave the squad, aspire to leave the area. In fact, a pair of this year's rookie ambassadors have already made their plans for leaving. Thankfully, Caity won't be one of them. She places a high importance on her family and enjoys the winter sports like skiing she can get involved with here.

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