You can find the dates at by scrolling to July and August. The night practices, 8 in all, scheduled from 7-9pm, do require tickets but those will be available for free at a later date. Interestingly, there are no double sessions planned (at least open to the public) and all day practices will take place from 3-5:30pm on the days they're scheduled. Parking for practices has yet to be announced as there is no public parking allowed on campus for the practices. Two years ago, the Bills actually forgot to invite the Jills to appear at camp so in 2009, the Jills took the initiative themselves to appear at all night practices as well as at many other practices as well. Presumably, under the new regime, the Bills won't make a slip-up like 2008 again and we'll see the Jills at most, if not all, the Bills practice sessions at St John Fisher this summer.
Also, DJ Jickster of 97Rock, the #1 1/2 Jills fan, is in Jamaica with the Jills and took a few pics on his iPhone that are up at 97Rock's website. Check out a few pics with Gina, Katie, Courteney, Keisha, Lisa, Valerie, Eileen, and Sara J at
add in photos of Amanda F, Gabrielle, Brianne, Angelina, and Jickster himself!