
Friday, October 22, 2010

Buffalo Jill of The Week Kristen

This week, we take a look at a 2nd year vet who went through a big change from her rookie season to this season. Kristen spent last year on the Ambassador Squad and was one of two girls, along with Nicole, to switch over to the dance squad and is spending her gamedays on Omarlla's line between Omarlla and Jackie. The first part of the word cheerleader is cheer, which says that the girls who fill the role of cheerleader need to have some positivity and optimistic attitudes. Kristen, as anyone who's met her knows, has more than "some" positivity and it's definitely not fake. In the year and a half I've known her, I've yet to see her without a smile and certainly hope she keeps that streak going for many years to come. She hopes to pass on that positive attitude to her students with the goal of becoming an elementary school teacher one day. Kristen's secondary photo is from the Jills Golf Tournament held in Williamsville this past August and features the 3 Musketeers. Kristen, Alyssa, and Nicole have been best of friends and virtually inseparable since their freshman year of college. I say virtually since Alyssa decided to remain on the ambassador squad this season. Next season however, who knows? Personally I just hope they all return for their 3rd seasons as they graduate next spring.

At the 1st rd of cuts, vets can choose their tryout numbers not only so that they can go in a certain order, but so they can tryout with a certain squadmate. Kristen and Nicole chose each other to dance with as they were both making the switch to dance and they've been friends for many years now, long before the Jills. Check out their video here.
You can read more about Kristen at

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