
Friday, January 14, 2011

Buffalo Jill of The Week Reena

This week, we take a look at rookie dancer Reena as our Jill of The Week. This Indian (the country, not Native American) beauty spent her gamedays on Eileen's line between Murissa and Katie and spends much of the rest of her time working on finishing up law school. Quite often, Jills become close friends after joining the squad and there are some occasions in which friends join the squad together after knowing one another a few years. Reena, who joined the squad when Stacy came back, has been friends with Stacy since they were in kindergarten. They've cheered together for several years and even served as captains together in high school. The name "Reena" means "peaceful" in the Greek language but it must mean completely the opposite in India as Reena is a very energetic young lady and I have a hard time picturing her relaxing very much. She seems to be a bundle of nervous energy at times and can be a lot tougher than she looks, as her squadmate Jaclyn found out at the Open Practice held in November. Finally, in her bio she states that she can't name a favorite musical artist but I have it on very good authority that her favorite song is Will Smith's "Gettin Jiggy Wit It." Reena's secondary photo is from before the December game hosting Cleveland. While waiting to head out onto the field for their pregame performance, many of the Buffalo Jills pose for photos inside that make-shift tunnel that covers the tunnel area. Shown here posing for a photo are Jill, Reena, and Nicole.

After having been friends since kindergarten, it only made sense that Stacy and Reena would tryout together as seen in this video from 1st cuts.

You can read more about Reena at

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