
Friday, September 30, 2011

Buffalo Jill of The Week Murissa

This week, we take a look at our first dancer as our Buffalo Jill of The Week. Murissa is in her 4th season and can be found anchoring one end of Valerie's line next to Krystin. This self-admitted princess says this will be her final season on the squad but I am one of many who hope that won't be the case. That extends to more than just the fans that see her on gamedays. Last season, she took not one, but two trips to the Middle East to visit with and perform for the troops stationed there. Obviously the soldiers fell in love with her because of not only her beauty, but her fun and loving personality. The feeling was definitely mutual as I'm sure those trips will be among the highlights of Murissa's Jills career. It's going to be hard imagining her leaving though, just as it was for the Jill who served as her veteran buddy in her rookie season, longtime Ambassador captain Kelly H. They each have these incredible personalities that not only make them great to know, but shine through in their photos. And Murissa is someone who just loves having her photo taken and will strike a pose for the camera in virtually any situation it can read more about Murissa at Murissa's secondary photo comes from the 9th Annual Buffalo Jills Golf Tourney and features Murissa, Lisa, and Natalie posing for the camera. Just prior to taking this pic, Murissa gave Lisa a big hug...just to soak up some of the water from Lisa's time in the dunk tank on a pretty hot

Murissa, Lisa, and Natalie

Finally, take a look back at Murissa's routine from 1st cuts held at the Healthy Zone Fieldhouse where she performed alongside Reena.

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