
Friday, March 23, 2012

Buffalo Jill of The Week Jami

This week, our Jill of The Week is rookie dancer Jami. Spending her gamedays on Christina's line this past season between Christina and Nicole, Jami is one of those girls who puts the cheer in cheerleading, She's extremely outgoing and friendly, attributes that will one day serve her well in her chosen career when she graduates and becomes one of the prettiest nurses in Buffalo. Being cheerful is pretty much a requirement to being an NFL cheerleader but Jami takes it to a whole other level as I can't recall ever seeing her without at least a small smile. In regards to how friendly she is, when she was doing an appearance at training camp back in August, she seemed to treat everyone she met that day as a pretty big deal when I was observing things myself. You can read more about Jami at Jami's secondary photo comes from the 9th Annual Buffalo Jills Golf Tournament held last August. Shown posing for a photo before the golfers started arriving are Lindsey and Jami. This year's Golf Tournament takes place on August 6th at Williamsville's Westwood Country Club.
Lindsey and Jami

As anyone can see in her video from tryouts last April, I wasn't exaggerating about Jami's smile as she's clearly got it shining all throughout her routine.

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