
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't miss the season finale of The Amazing Race!

On a personal note, I don't generally care much for reality TV...I hate when the whole world sees something that's supremely personal. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making The Team series is one of those that's guilty of it. It's one thing when you see someone upset on a scripted TV show because it's just acting but when it's real, it's a whole other thing. Many people enjoy it, real or not, but when it's you that's on tv seeing it later, or it's someone you know, it's not generally anything enjoyable to watch. When Lydia Dominick was with CW23 and doing in-depth looks at Buffalo Jills tryouts, she put class and humanity above cheap thrills and kept it looking positive, not showing girls getting upset when missing the cut. Quite frankly, I think shows like the DCC show should take a cue from the way Lydia handled things, and she had only been on the job a few months at that point.

One reality show that's grown quite popular is The Amazing Race, now in its 22nd season. In Season 14, a pair of former Miami Dolphins cheerleaders were part of the competition and wound up finishing in 2nd place. A pair of Jills had contemplated doing the show after that as well but eventually decided against it. However, another girl who had worn the Jills uniform recently got the idea as well along with her new husband. After being married for about a month, Max and Katie (2007-2008 Buffalo Jills Ambassador) started off on The Amazing Race.

Their contest started off rough with some troubles in SouthEast Asia and Africa, including a last place finish in Botswana that had fans fearful that Max and Katie would be eliminated. Thankfully, that was a non-elimination leg and then, after making it to Europe, they really hit their stride with a 3rd place finish and 2 1st place finishes in Germany(winning a pair of new cars) and Scotland. That's where we stand right now as the season ends Sunday night at 8pm ET on CBS with a 2-hour finale as Max and Katie go up against 3 other pairs of racers in an attempt to win $1 million to really get their lives together started off in a great way. The filming was all done in November and December of last year and, of course, Max and Katie are sworn to secrecy on how things ended up. After Sunday night, they won't have to be silent anymore.
Check them out on their Facebook fan page at and check out the videos, one as an intro and the other that was just filmed on Buffalo's CW23 Winging It Show this past Thursday!

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