
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Official stance on the Jills lawsuit

I've been asked about  my stance on the lawsuit both publicly and privately several times over the last 24 hours. This site has been up, in one form or another, since 2001, even before the current director took charge of the squad. The goal is promote the hard work and quality of the pro cheerleaders of Buffalo, NY. With that, I'm referring to the squads as a whole as well as the individuals on each of the squads we cover here.
A lot of people on social media and in the media have gone off the deep end in regards to the lawsuit, attacking the ladies involved in the suit as well as anyone who's ever donned the uniform. I have to say that says a lot about those individuals more than it could ever say about those that they're attacking. The ladies on the Buffalo Jills, or the Buffalo Bandettes for that matter, put in a huge amount of work that the general public doesn't see or understand and every last one of them is deserving of our respect.
Regarding the suit itself, I'm not going to speculate on all the reasoning behind it. It wouldn't be fair to anyone involved and no one outside of those 5 ladies knows all the details, not me, not other fans, not even other Jills alumni. The way the Jills are run changes on a yearly basis and some big changes were made in 2012 beyond just minor yearly changes. I can say that it's not just about money by any means and that things must have been be pretty severe to involve lawyers.
My advice to everyone is to let it all play out and remember that all our ladies in uniform past and present are deserving of our respect for all the hard work they do. This blog will continue as normal and the 2014 squad will be treated here much the same way as past squads have been, with the utmost respect.

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