
Friday, June 27, 2014

The 2007 Buffalo Jills Softball game and Taste of Buffalo-revisited

For a few years, the Taste of Niagara was held at Lockport's Outwater Park on Father's Day weekend and featured a softball game involving the Buffalo Jills. At first, the Jills faced off against Durf's Dollies, a group of firefighters from the Terry's Corners Volunteer Fire Department dressed in drag. The final year of the Jills softball game was a bit different, however, as members of the WNY Challengers Sports League competed against one another with the Jills acting as buddies during the game. Autumn and Rachel were the lone vets representing the Jills along with 8 rookie Jills who all made a great impression on the players and fans in attendance.
Autumn, Rachael, and Lisa with one of the players
Group shot!
Vincenza running with her buddy along the base path
At the end of it all, everyone there had a fun time and there were even a few friendships formed. Some of the Jills had specific buddies to help out throughout the game. Stacy, a rookie with the Jills, was one of those who helped out a little boy in a wheelchair throughout the day and built a good friendship with him. When Stacy returned to the squad in 2010, she told me she was still in touch with him, emailing back and forth with him often.
Stacy with her buddy
The Jills with some of the Challengers Sports League players
One of the players just loved Vincenza and Kaitlin
You can see all the pics at
For several years, the Taste of Buffalo, the largest 2-day food festival in the United States, featured members of the Buffalo Jills, usually rookies, making appearances during the weekend. They were generally stationed at the booths run by Citadel Radio stations 97Rock and 103.3 The Edge as well as with the Bills. They posed for photos, greeted fans, and handed out Bills schedules in addition to helping out with games. I usually went on the Saturday for these things but I had a friend performing with a local band on Sunday so I went then instead, stopping briefly to get a few pics of the Jills on hand.
Joy at 97Rock booth
Ayeshia and Stacy with Billy Buffalo at the Bills booth
Keisha at the 103.3 The Edge Booth to help with games
See all the pics at
From the Bandettes comes a photo from the January game against the Toronto Rock. Before the game, the girls greeted fans coming up the escalators to the 100 level for the game. L.B.'s line was on the east end of the escalators and posed for this photo during a lull in the crowd. Shown posing are Kelsey, Janelle, LB, Amanda, and Chelsea.
Kelsey, Janelle, LB, Amanda, and Chelsea

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