
Friday, August 1, 2014

2008 Buffalo Jills tryouts-revisited

2008 turned out to be an event-filled year for the Jills and not just in the bad way in the form of the Toronto games. Every year, some noteworthy girls join the squad and 2008 was no different with a squad of 48 girls at the close of tryouts. There was also more media coverage as the new CW23 girl was onhand to cover tryouts. On occasion, there have been some girls trying out that I could tell just had it. They had the poise, looks, and confidence that would make them outstanding pro cheerleaders. I had seen the CW23 girl on TV a few times and knew she was quite attractive but when she showed up at  the Workshop, my 1st thought was that she was a lock to make the Ambassador Squad...until her cameraman followed her in and I realized she wasn't trying out, but was CW23 girl Lydia Dominick there to cover tryouts.
A few of the girls from the 2007 squad helped out with the tryout process. Natale and Kaitlin B handled check-ins and Autumn helped the prospective Jills get head shots taken. With Aimee's retirement, Nicole P 
was named a captain alongside Omarlla and Jamie and another big change happened. In 2008, co-captains were named before tryouts, meaning they didn't have to go through the tryout process along with the rest of the squad. Eileen, Katie K, and Christina had been named dance co-captains for the season with Danielle S taking the open Ambassador Squad co-captain's role that hadn't been filled in 2007.
Katie K, Nicole P, Autumn, Christina, and Jamie
Danielle S and Kelly H
Frequently, veterans will bring friends along who are interested in trying out. Some wind up making a mark on the squad. Among those who brought friends along were Lisa, whose friend had made the squad, but bowed out at final cuts due to the work load as well as Jess and Stephanie, whose friend Dana made the squad. Also in attendance was Jills alum Elizabeth M, who was there with one of her students from Expression Dance Arts, a studio that Elizabeth founded in St Thomas, Ontario.
Jess, Dana, and Stephanie B
While the ambassador hopefuls and half the dancer hopefuls trying out at Fusion Dance Studio that day were in one room learning about the rules and requirements of being a Jill, I spent my time where Kelli, Omarlla, Eileen, Nicole, and Christina worked to teach the prospective dancers the routine they had to know for 1st cuts the following week, all to the tune of a remix of "Break The Ice" by Britney Spears. In addition to the photos I took (no flash so as not to throw anyone's concentration off), I grabbed some video as well. After 1 group was done, the ambassador hopefuls left and the dancers who had learned the routine swapped rooms to learn rules and requirements while the rest of the dancer hopefuls took their places learning the routine.
Once everyone was done learning, they opened up both rooms for everyone to practice for a little while before sending everyone home. While girls were practicing, I was shooting video in the room that girls were learning the rules in and before leaving, Lisa and her friend watched some of the video I took.

Now, I don't generally advertise here for anyone who hasn't been a Buffalo Pro Cheerleader but I've been sticking with Sony cameras ever since the spring of 2008 for a few reasons. One is the tilt-LED screen that helps out with photos under that tarp the Bills place over the tunnel and another big one is the customer service. When I got home after the workshop, I went to load my photos from the camera to my computer but they didn't show up as being on the card. I tried several times to retrieve them to no avail before I called Sony customer service. Luckily, they were able to send me a program to download that was able to recover all the lost photos and videos, a huge help and a major load off my mind since Valerie and Lisa both told me how much they were looking forward to seeing the pics and videos. Letting them down was the last thing in the world I was willing to do if I could help it.
You can see all those photos at
Videos are found at
From the Bandettes comes a photo from the 2nd home game against the Toronto Rock, the game in which the Jr Bandettes performed. Prior to the Bandettes and Jr Bandettes heading out to perform in pregame, I grabbed this pic of the coaches of the Bandettes. Shown posing are Jaclyn, Jessica, head choreographer Erin Y, and, helping out for the day, Bandettes alum Meghan F.
Jaclyn, Jessica, Erin Y, and Meghan

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