
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lady 716ers moving forward

As many may know, last season's 716ers Girls dance team was short-lived and we only got to see them in action early in the season. In an effort to make improvements on whatever caused that, the Lady 716ers Dance Team is taking a new direction for the 2015-16 season. To start with, their new coordinator is no stranger to the Buffalo dance/cheer scene. Spending 4 seasons on the sidelines at Ralph Wilson Stadium as a member of the Buffalo Jills, including the last two as co-captain, Loren is well-qualified to lead this squad forward into the future. Besides her experience as a Jill, she brings to the job outstanding choreographical skills, class, and a strong work ethic.
Director LaToya and Coordinator Loren
Their new director also brings pro experience to the job as 2015 Buffalo Bandettes rookie LaToya was hired for the job earlier in the week. Besides her time on the Bandettes, LaToya spent 2014 as a member of the Queen City Classic Dance Team. I haven't known LaToya as long as I have Loren so the biggest thing I can say about her based on personal observations is that with her as director, the squad will definitely be great in front of the camera as LaToya was an ace in that area this spring.
LaToya and Loren are hitting the ground running as they're already hard at work getting set for tryouts next month. September 11 is the date and the King Charter Central School is the location as tryouts take place from 6-8 that evening with registration starting at 5:30. The audition fee is $15 and if you make the squad, you will make that back as the 14 spots on the squad are a paid gig!
In addition, they're launching a kid's dance program with auditions for that happening on September 18th! They'll be taking 60 kids ages 12-17. Email for more info.

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