
Friday, October 2, 2015

2009-10 DFT appearance with Adam Lingner-revisited

Occasionally, I would find out about Jills appearances from the ladies involved in them directly. It meant extra exposure for the event, usually charity-related, and more photos taken. 2009 rookie Alyssa was always excited to share appearance details with me and this was one of those appearances she told me about when she saw me the week before at the appearances she was at that I covered. The bonus for me was that it was happening just a few miles from my home and in the afternoon before I had a trip up to Buffalo planned for a Bandits game covering the Bandettes.
Like the September event, this DFT event featured, in addition to 4 of Buffalo's Beauties, former Bills LS Adam Lingner. In addition to autographs and photo ops with Adam and the Jills, the new DFT location sponsored a brand-new Subaru Impreza giveaway with a dice game. Overall, the event wasn't as packed as the September tailgate event but there was still a pretty steady flow of fans stopping in throughout much of the afternoon. Things did start to die down by the end of the event and Murissa kept everyone entertained spelling out DFT with her hands as part of a cheer she made up on the spot.
Murissa making a T, as in DFT
Murissa, Amanda, Alyssa, and Keisha with Bills alum Adam Lingner
After the girls left, I hung around for a bit and talked with Adam about life, football, and, of all things, politics. Adam's become a big advocate over the years in trying to get government to work more for all the people instead of just the ones with deep pockets. See all the pics at
From the Bandettes comes a photo from the March game against Minnesota. Shown cheering on a goal in the 4th quarter is the beautiful MaKenzie. She was a 3rd year vet in 2015 and helped out co-captaining Mandy's line one game when she was off and Chrissy took the captain's role. The question now is whether MaKenzie is returning and if so, how will her responsibilities change on gamedays?
MaKenzie cheering on a goal

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