
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pics from the 5th Annual BvB Buffalo Draft Party

The entire BvB team...that was on hand. There are several who couldn't make it
We've been covering the BvB chapter in Buffalo from the start here at the Buffalo Pro Cheer Blog so I won't repeat a lot of stuff that's been said a lot already. The basics are that the BvB organization, a nationwide group put together to help raise funds to help fight Alzheimers, puts together powderpuff football games in close to 30 cities across the nation. Across the nation, over $1 Million has been raised with about $190K coming from Buffalo alone! This year, a goal of $90K has been set and as daunting a task as that may seem, it's far from unrealistic. The original founders and co-chairs of BvB Buffalo have stepped down after building up something great to allow two new ladies to take the lead. Deanna Bednarz and Jenn Chodora are the new ladies in the spotlight after several years of playing and contributing as committee members of the organization. Jenn is an 8-year Jills alum with also a year on the Bandettes who I know will be an excellent leader after her years as a Jills captain. I don't know Deanna personally, but I am certain she will be an equally excellent co-chair for BvB because she's been working so hard for BvB and wouldn't have been made co-chair without everyone's faith and support.
Jills alumni Jenn, Tammy, Kim, Francine, and Maria
This year, there are currently 4 Jills alumni registered to play this year with 2 more registering in the next few days. All 6 have played in the past and while we support donating to any BvB member, you'll be able to donate directly to our Jills alumni by clicking their photos at the top of the page on
The Draft Party, held at the Forvm in Amherst, was put together to get the teams together to learn a little about what's expected and to introduce new recruits to the organization. In addition to a lot of proven veterans, there are going to be several brand new recruits playing this year as well.
You can see all the photos at and you can learn more about the BvB at
Also, stay tuned as more event dates are posted including a Kickoff Party/Bachelorette Auction which is usually held in August.

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