Your 2016 Buffalo Bandettes!

Your 2016 Buffalo Bandettes!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bandette of The Week Jessica

In the earlier days of seafaring, it was thought of as bad luck to have women on a ship. Superstitions finally gave way to common sense, and the US Constitution in 1978 when the US Navy finally started allowing women to serve on ships. Now why is this coming up in a post about a cheerleader? Our current Bandette of The Week, rookie Jessica, spent 4 years in the US Navy working on an aircraft carrier. One has to speculate that her shipmates were happy that she was on board. The fact that she's incredibly cute isn't the main reason, however. She's a very detail-oriented young lady with big goals in life. And anyone who's had a lot of success in life can attest to the fact that attention to detail and determination are major factors in achieving success. You can read more about Jessica at

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